Submitted/In Revision

Amaya DJ, MG Jacox, and MA Alexander. Skillful high-resolution seasonal climate forecasts using model-analogs. In preparation.

Bastien-Olvera, BA, O Aburto-Oropeza, F Favoretto, DJ Amaya, EP Urbano, L Brander and K Ricke. Climate change stalls global mangrove recovery and diminishes their economic value. In revision.

Gehne M, J Dias, JD Scott, DJ Amaya, MG Jacox, MA Alexander, and A Cluett. Influence of Atmospheric Errors on Weeks 2-4 California Current System predictions. In revision.

Gunnarson JL, Y Wang, A Gagliardi, D Shing Hiung, N Takahashi, J Wong, DJ Amaya, and C Deser. Removing ENSO’s influence from global SST variability, with insights into the record-setting marine heatwaves of 2023-2024. In revision.

Seltzer AM, RL Tyne, I Musan, JF Langman, DJ Amaya, et al. Fossil groundwater reveals aquifer sensitivities to climate stress. In revision.



[42] Amaya DJ, N Maher, C Deser, MG Jacox, MA Alexander, M Newman, J Dias, and J Lou (2025). Linking projected changes in seasonal climate predictability and ENSO amplitude. J. Clim. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[41] Alexander MA, JD Scott, MG Jacox, DJ Amaya, and LM Wilczynski. Processes that influence bottom temperatures in the California Current System. JGR: Oceans. [html] [pdf]

[40] Smith KE, A Sen Gupta, DJ Amaya et al (2025). Baseline Matters: Challenges and implications of different marine heatwave baselines. Prog. in Ocean. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[39] Toride K, M Newman, A Hoell, A Capotondi, J Schlör, and DJ Amaya. Using deep learning to identify initial error sensitivity of ENSO forecasts. AI for Earth Sys. Accepted. [html]


[38] Amaya DJ, MG Jacox, MA Alexander, SJ Bograd, and L Jia (2024). Seasonal upwelling forecasts in the California Current System. Geophy. Res. Lett. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[37] Capotondi A, RR Rodrigues, A Sen Gupta, JA Benthuysen, C Deser, TL Frölicher, NS Lovenduski, DJ Amaya et al (2024). A global overview of marine heatwaves in a changing climate. Comm. Earth & Env. [html] [pdf]

[36] Cluett AA, MG Jacox, DJ Amaya, MA Alexander, and JD Scott (2024). Atmospheric precursors of skillful SST prediction in the Northeast Pacific. J. Clim. [html] [pdf]

[35] Deser, C, AS Phillips, MA Alexander, DJ Amaya, A Capotondi, MG Jacox, and JD Scott (2024). Future changes in the Intensity and Duration of Marine Heat and Cold Waves: Insights from Coupled Model Initial-Condition Large Ensembles. J. Clim. [html] [pdf]

[34] Jacox MG, DJ Amaya, and MA Alexander (2024). Marine Heatwaves in 2023 [in “State of the Climate in 2023”], Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 105 (8), S167-168, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-24-0100.1. [html] [pdf]

[33] Jacox MG, S Bograd, J Fietcher, M Pozo-Buil, MA Alexander, DJ Amaya, N Cordero Quirós, H Ding, R Rykaczewski et al. (2024). Linking upwelling dynamics and subsurface nutrients to projected productivity changes in the California Current System. [html] [pdf]

[32] Larson SM, KM McMonigal, Y Okumura, DJ Amaya, A Capotondi, K Bellomo, IR Simpson, and AC Clement (2024). Ocean complexity shapes sea surface temperature variability in a CESM2 coupled model hierarchy. J. Clim. [html] [pdf]

[31] Yang, C, R Bourdallé-Badie, M Drevillon, DJ Amaya, et al. (2024). Gathering users and developers to shape together the next-generation ocean reanalyses: Ocean reanalysis workshop of the European Copernicus Marine Service. BAMS. [html] [pdf]


[30] Amaya DJ, MG Jacox, MR Fewings, VS Saba, MF Stuecker, RR Rykaczewski, et al. (2023). Marine heatwaves need clear definitions so coastal communities can adapt. Nature, 616(7955), 29–32. [html] [pdf] [co-signatories]

[29] Amaya DJ, MA Alexander, MG Jacox, JD Scott, C Deser, A Capotondi and A Phillips (2023). Bottom marine heatwaves along the continental shelves of North America. Nat. Comm. 14, 1038. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[28] Amaya DJ, MA Alexander, MG Jacox, and JD Scott (2023). An evaluation of high-resolution ocean reanalyses in the California Current System. Prog. in Ocean., 210, 102951. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[27] Alexander, MA, JD Scott, MG Jacox, C Deser, DJ Amaya, A Capotondi, and AS Phillips. A survey of coastal conditions around the continental US using a high-resolution ocean reanalysis. Prog. in Ocean., 216, 103055. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[26] Jacox, MG, MP Buil, S Brodie, MA Alexander, DJ Amaya, SJ Bograd, et al. (2023). Downscaled seasonal forecasts for the California Current System: Skill assessment and prospects for living marine resource applications. PLOS Climate, 2(10), e0000245. [html] [pdf]

[25] Ren, X, W Liu A Capotondi, DJ Amaya, and NJ Holbrook (2023). The Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulated marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific during past decades. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 1–9. [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[24] Shu Q, Y Zhang, DJ Amaya, SM Larson, Y Kosaka, J-C Yang, and X Lin (2023). Role of ocean advection during the equatorward propagation of the Pacific Meridional Modes. J. Clim. [html]


[23] Amaya DJ, MG Jacox, J Dias, MA Alexander, KB Karnauskas, JD Scott, and M Gehne (2022). Subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast skill in the California Current System and its connection to coastal Kelvin waves. JGR: Oceans. [html] [pdf] [supplement] [research highlight] [OSM talk]

[22] Di Lorenzo E, T Xu, Y Zhao, M Newman, A Capotondi, S Stevenson, DJ Amaya, et al. (2022). Modes and mechanisms of Pacific decadal-scale variability. Annual Review of Marine Science. [html] [pdf]

[21] Jacox MG, MA Alexander, DJ Amaya, E Becker, SJ Bograd, S Brodie, EL Hazen, M Pozo Buil, D Tommasi. Global forecasts of marine heatwaves. Nature. 604, 486–490. [html] [pdf]

[20] Shi H, J Fei-Fei, RCJ Wills, MG Jacox, DJ Amaya, BA Black, RA Rykaczewski, SJ Bograd, M Garcia-Reyes, and WJ Sydeman. Global decline in ocean memory over the 21st century. Sci. Adv. 8 (18), eabm3468. [html] [pdf]

[19] Zhang Y, S-Y Yu, DJ Amaya, Y Kosaka, MF Stuecker, J-C Yang, X Lin, and L Fan (2022). Atmospheric Forcing of the Pacific Meridional Mode: Tropical Pacific-Driven Versus Internal Variability. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, e2022GL098148. [html] [pdf]

[18] Zhang Y, S-Y  Yu, S-P Xie, DJ Amaya, Q Peng, Y Kosaka, X Lin, J-C Yang, SM Larson, AJ Miller, L Fan (2022). Role of ocean dynamics in equatorial pacific decadal variability. Clim. Dyn. [html] [pdf]


[17] Amaya DJ, AM Seltzer, KB Karnauskas, JM Lora, X Zhang, and P DiNezio (2021). Air-sea feedbacks shape North American hydroclimate response to ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. [html] [pdf] [supplement] [AGU talk]

[16] Amaya DJ, MA Alexander, A Capotondi, C Deser, KB Karnauskas, AJ Miller, and NJ Mantua (2021). Are Long-Term Changes in Mixed Layer Depth Influencing North Pacific Marine Heatwaves? [in “Explaining Extremes of 2019 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102 (1), S59–S66, BAMS-D-20-0144.1. [html] [pdf] [supplement] [research highlight] [AGU talk]

[15] Scannell HA and DJ Amaya (2021). The 2019-20 northeast Pacific marine heatwave [in “State of the Climate in 2020”]. BAMS. BAMS-D-21-0083.1. [html]

[14] Karnauskas, KB, L Zhang, and DJ Amaya. The atmospheric response to North Atlantic SST trends, 1870–2019 (2021). Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL090677, [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[13] Zhang, Y, S Yu, DJ Amaya, Y Kosaka, SM Larson, X Wang, J-C Yang, MF Stuecker, S-P Xie, AJ Miller, and X Lin. Pacific Meridional Modes without Equatorial Pacific influence (2021). J. Clim., [html] [pdf]


[12] Amaya DJ, AJ Miller, S-P Xie and Y Kosaka (2020). Physical drivers of the summer 2019 North Pacific marine heatwave. Nat. Comm., 11, 1903, [html] [pdf] [supplement] [research highlight]

[11] Johnson NC, DJ Amaya, Q Ding, Y Kosaka, H Tokinaga and S-P Xie (2020). Multidecadal modulation of key metrics of global climate change. Glob. and Planet. Change, [html] [pdf]

[10] Schmidt DF, DJ Amaya, KM Grise, and AJ Miller (2020). Shifts of the North Pacific Subtropical High drive upwelling trends in the California Current System. Geophys. Res. Lett., [html] [pdf]


[9] Amaya DJ (2019). The Pacific Meridional Mode: a Review. Curr. Clim. Change Reports, 5, 296-307, doi:10.1007/s40641-019-00142-x. [html] [pdf] [research highlight]

[8] Amaya DJ, Y Kosaka, W Zhou, Y Zhang, S-P Xie and AJ Miller (2019). The North Pacific pacemaker effect on historical ENSO and its mechanisms. J. Clim., 32 (22), 7643-7661, [html] [pdf] [research highlight] [AGU talk]

[7] Sanchez, SC, DJ Amaya, AJ Miller, S-P Xie and CD Charles (2019). Pacific Meridional Mode over the last millennium. Clim. Dyn., 53, 3547–3560, [html] [pdf] [supplement]

[6] Wang, JK, KR Johnson, A. Borsato, DJ Amaya, GL Griffiths, GM Henderson and S Frisia (2019). Hydroclimatic variability in southeast Asia over the last two millennia. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 525, [html] [pdf] [supplement]


[5] Amaya, DJ, N Siler, S-P Xie and AJ Miller (2018). The interplay of internal and forced modes of Hadley Cell expansion: lessons from the global warming hiatus. Clim. Dyn., 51, 305-319, [html] [pdf]


[4] Amaya, DJ, MJ DeFlorio, AJ Miller and S-P Xie (2017). WES feedback and the Atlantic Meridional Mode: observations and CMIP5 comparisons. Clim. Dyn., 49, 1665-1679, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3411-1. [html] [pdf]


[3] Amaya, DJ, S-P Xie, AJ Miller and MJ McPhaden (2015). Seasonality of tropical Pacific decadal trends associated with the 21st century global warming hiatus, JGR Oceans, 120, 6782–6798, doi:10.1002/2015JC010906. [html] [pdf]


[2] Amaya, DJ and GR Foltz (2014). Impacts of canonical and Modoki El Niño on tropical Atlantic SST, JGR Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JC009476. [html] [pdf]


[1] Kramm G, DJ Amaya, T Foken and N Mölders (2013). Hans A. Panofsky’s Integral Similarity Function—At Fifty, Atmos. Clim. Sci., 3, 4, 581-594. doi:10.4236/acs.2013.34061. [html] [pdf]

 Invited Contributions


[5] Amaya DJ (2023). El Niño is coming, and ocean temps are already at record highs – that can spell disaster for fish and corals. The Conversation. [html]


[4] Amaya DJ and National Center for Atmospheric Research Staff (2020). The Climate Data Guide: Meridional Modes and their Indices. [html]


[3] Allen RJ and DJ Amaya (2018). The importance of ENSO/PDO to recent tropical widening. “Expansion of the Tropics”, Variations, 16, 8-14, US CLIVAR. [html] [pdf]


[2] Victor, DG, N Obradovich and DJ Amaya (2017). Why the wiring of our brains makes it hard to stop climate change. September 17, 2017. LA Times. [html] [pdf]


[1] Amaya, DJ, NE Bond, AJ Miller and MJ DeFlorio (2016). The evolution and known atmospheric forcing mechanisms behind the 2013-2015 North Pacific warm anomalies. In “A Tale of Two Blobs”, Variations, 14, 1-6, U.S. CLIVAR. [html] [pdf] [syllabus]