Here are a few recently recorded conference presentations and departmental seminars, as well as some talks/interviews for more general audiences. Enjoy!
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022
Relating subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecast skill of coastal SSH in the California Coast System to coastally trapped Kelvin waves. (Amaya et al. 2022, JGR: Oceans)
AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Untangling the role of mechanical vs. thermodynamic ice sheet forcing on N. American hydroclimate during the Last Glacial Maximum (Amaya et al. 2021, EPSL).
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Discussing the influence of climate change on marine heatwaves (Amaya et al. 2021, BAMS).
AGU Fall Meeting 2020
NCAR CGD Seminar Series
Science Seminar for Journalists
Assessing the impact of North Pacific SST variability on historical ENSO events (Amaya et al. 2019, J. Clim).
Discussing regional mechanisms for extratropical-tropical climate interactions.
Answering the question, “Why Do Marine Heatwaves Happen?” for a broad audience of science journalists.
SDSU Climate Justice Seminar
Discussing how differences in the perceptibility of climate change from one region to another may impact people's overall political will to enact effective environmental policy.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
Science Talks
An introductory lecture on climate change and global warming for an Environmental Chemistry class at San Diego State University.
SDSU Environmental Chemistry Lecture